Introducing Our Pastry Chef

Introducing Our Pastry Chef

The Dog Bakery takes baking for dogs as serious as pie cake :). In fact, we even have a full time Pastry Chef designing new healthy and delicious treats on a regular basis.  Tracy swears by the fact that dogs love our treats because she adds a pinch of love to every batch.

Tracy has always been passionate about pets and baking.  Growing up, Pastry Chef Tracy would often sit under the kitchen table talking to her best friend, Toby Tyler, for hours.  Toby was an American Cocker Spaniel that Tracy adored.  And as for her love for baking.  Tracy was always watching and learning from her mother.  Tracy and her mother was always baking cakes, cookies and even entering apple pie contests. She loved seeing the joy her creations would bring to family and friends.

Tracy had a very clear path in life and after graduating from the  Institute of Culinary Education in Manhattan, she baked pastries at some of the top bakeries including BabyCakes and Butter Lane.  While running pastry kitchens she also found time to teach baking classes to both beginners and professionals.  Now, she is combining her life life long love for animals and passions for baking to create high quality treats for your dogs to enjoy at The Dog Bakery.  Come by anytime and ask Tracy questions you may have about baking, pets, or baking for pets!