How Modern Technology Is Enhancing Dog Safety and Wellbeing

Like most pet owners and pet carers, I worry about my dog’s health and overall health data. I want what’s best and rely on my veterinarian and access to artificial intelligence to promote my pet's life.

New technologies are tools I rely on as a pet sitter too. It allows me to monitor a pet’s activity in those heart-stopping moments in a large off-leash park when my dog is out of sight.

Technology in veterinary medicine like arthroscopic and laparoscopic procedures, determining a chronic illness, and even simple household gadgets like automatic feeders, have helped to improve everyone’s life.

Here is a list of at-home technology.

Importance of Technology in Dog Safety

In my research, as a pet owner and pet sitter, finding solutions for keeping pets safe through mobile devices, I’ve learned many things.

More of us are becoming pet parents. That means more of us need help. Pet care, like a professional dog walker service, smart collars, a specific pet's microchip, and human medicine advances, evolved into animal health developments that work for me too.

Safety technology is so popular it’s become a basic in general dog care, just like toys and treats.

Technology allows us to:

  • Monitor our dogs when they’re out of sight or with a dog walker
  • Helps veterinary medicine diagnose chronic illnesses
  • Prevents our dog from running onto unsafe territory
  • Tracks our pet’s movement with GPS
  • Identifies lost or stolen pets
  • Vital for dog training and remote feeding

New pet products, like self-cleaning litter boxes, collars, etc., have really enhanced convenience, making it easier to care for and interact with pets.

When I had to leave my first dog, Cooper, with a friend in pre-tech times, I actually called my dog on the landline to reassure him with my voice. Perhaps, I wasn’t the only person worried about my dog's well-being. Today, I have access to much better technology.

Dog cameras

In the age of being hooked up, cameras and WiFi technology are several tools we can install to monitor our dogs when they move from lounging on the sofa to sprawling on our beds.

Decades ago, you couldn’t buy this kind of peace of mind. Watching our dogs remotely as they play, sleep, and harass the cat is, simply put: awesome. While our pooch might not understand how this technology works, we can calm them with the 2-way voice systems of modern camera devices.

Smart Collars

The first time I watched a Smart Collar in action was impressive. A neighbor used it on his young pointer, Diamond, on a small acreage without perimeter fencing. Diamond is a curious and active dog. Watching her nose to the ground and hunker when she comes close to the invisible fence proves it works.

Diamond remembered exactly where the barrier was!

Smart collars allow dogs freedom, and it keeps them safe. World Animal Foundation recommends products like Halo Collars because they work and protect our furry friends.

Smart Collars can help:

  • Monitor a dog's heart rate, blood, and pulse pressure, metabolism, and potential health issues
  • Location and behavior monitoring
  • Sync health stats with dietary info and exercise
  • Keeps pets safer
  • Invisible fences have a good track record and are an excellent tool


Microchips are the grandfather of monitoring technology and have been in use since 1985 and are the brainchild of a veterinarian. Microchips are about the size of a grain and use RFID or radio-frequency identification. They allow us to identify a pet in time of crisis.

Microchips allow shelters and animal control officers to reunite pets with their owners quickly to save on heartbreak and unnecessary worry. Kennels, trainers, rescue groups, clinics, stables, and humane societies use microchip technology as a go-to gadget.

Smart leashes

Smart leashes are a significant upgrade from traditional and often dangerous retractable leashes. Smart leashes prevent your dog from darting into traffic or other dangerous situations.

Any dog walker or pet parent understands that constant vigilance is also key. Squirrels in your pup's favorite dog park are just too tempting for any dog breed to ignore.

A smart leash locks automatically and works on the same safety principle as a seat belt. It unlocks when your dog releases the tension. Again, staying in tune with your dog is just as important.

Automatic Pet Feeders

Dogs and cats need food, and automatic pet feeders are revolutionary helpers that allow us to control the amount of food and timing with mobile apps. Automatic pet feeders aren’t a replacement for companionship but provide a temporary solution that works.

Many studies suggest our pets like to have us around, and they’re happier and calmer. Automatic pet feeders are a good solution if you need to be away longer than normal during extenuating circumstances; they're not a substitute for you. Automatic feeders tend to work better for cats and other animals than dogs.

Automatic litter box

Automatic cat litters are an ingenious invention, and cat owners gladly forgo the chore of poop-scooping and allow new technology to deal with the nasty job.

Automatic litter boxes are awesome for cats since these units mimic a comfortable environment for cats to do their business. There are many litter boxes, and though it might take coaxing with senior cats, kitties tend to take to them naturally.

How Technology Has Helped Dog Parents

Being a pet parent isn’t cheap. The best way to prevent extra costs like expensive vet fees is to detect potential problems from the onset. You can do that through health monitoring diagnostic products.

Although cattle and dogs share few common health concerns, the technology, and its evolution have many benefits that translate into the betterment of all animals and their future.

Health monitoring

Digital technology is constantly learning. It can be useful on a broad spectrum and also for individual attention. This advanced technology allows pet and farm animal owners to monitor the exact moment a change in health occurs. It allows pet parents and their veterinarians to establish healthcare plans for a pet's health.

These devices monitor and trigger reports tracking info like activity level, body temperature levels, productive cycles, and other warning symptoms. While the human touch is irreplaceable, these health monitoring tools save lives.

Aided in communication

Technology isn’t just about talking goo-goo gaga to our dogs. This tech feature tracks our pooch and sends info to a pet healthcare provider. Collected data make accurate assessments of a pet’s behavior and health.

Pet care technology works on many levels beyond my understanding. I know that the info is taken from factory farms and the tech-solution market. Every day, machine learning affects new advances that improve an animal's health while you and I sleep, and Rover snores contently by our side.

Ultimately, the intricacies of this modern marvel collect data to improve itself and promote the health of the adorable creatures we share our homes with.

Helped in training and understanding behavior

Tools like smart collars, GPS, microchips, security cameras, smart leashes, and other sophisticated devices have a common goal: to improve lives.

Tech tools are indispensable and can help us train our dogs and learn about their behavior remotely and use this insight to help modify training.

These invaluable tools help pet parents with training, separation anxiety, and quality play. A tech collar or invisible fencing teaches dogs boundaries to instill basic commands that will ultimately keep them safe.


Technology is part of every facet of our lives. It’s become an essential tool in helping dog owners prolong the life and health of their pets. It also helps reunite us with lost or stolen pets and contributes to making pet care a seamless chore.

As a pet carer, I highly recommend you explore some of these gadgets and incorporate them into your routine. Cameras and two-way communication devices can bring so much peace of mind. Besides, who can stand not seeing their pooches' adorable faces for any length of time?

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The Dog Bakery blog is an online platform for information and opinions, intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. By reading this blog or using any of the information provided, you acknowledge and understand that there are risks and limitations associated with any advice, recipes, formulas, or products mentioned.

This blog is NOT a substitute for veterinary care, advice, or professional opinions. We do not provide veterinary consultations. If your pet is sick, injured, or requires medical attention, please contact your veterinarian or a local emergency animal hospital immediately.

The content on The Dog Bakery blog, including text, graphics, images, and other materials (the "Content"), is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to replace professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of your veterinarian or another qualified professional for any concerns regarding your pet’s health. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it due to something you have read on this site.