Your Dog's July Horoscope

Your Dog's July Horoscope

Today we're revealing Your Dog's July Horoscope. We thought your fur kid might enjoy knowing what's in store during these crazy times.

During the early part of the month the planets are tugging you between ‘good dog’ and ‘naughty dog’ and your humans are becoming concerned.  But don’t worry, after the Capricorn lunar eclipse your internal struggles will calm and you’ll be able to seek out the belly rubs you truly desire.

The cancer canine is emotional, loving and sweet.  If you can fit under the bed, take refuge as beginning around the Fourth of July the moon will be in full sight while loud noises and strange people overcome your surroundings.   Don’t worry Cancer Dog…starting July 5th there will be a shift in energy and life will get easier.

The Leo Dog loves the outdoors and being the center of attention.  Recently life has been amazing; lots of hikes and so much attention. This month expect a ruff patch as your situation changes. You’ll have to “dig” down deep to see the pawsitive.   Remember, Leo pup, you’re still the center of your universe.

The Virgo Dog appreciates law, order and routine. Major news related to your favorite toy could bring up unprocessed feelings (you know what we’re talking about 😉) and humans leaving for work could lead to separation anxiety. But thanks to a retrograde that ends on July 12th you’ll have a chance to lay low and sort through your feelings. Maybe you’ll be able to bury that bone once and for all.  Your Perfect Treat: Cheesy Wheat Free Bone Treats. Find out why

The Libra dog loves harmony, beauty, tranquility and prefers peace over adventure.  You’ve been spending a lot of time at home, so during this eclipse, make sure your space feels safe and supportive. Nudge your human for an upgraded dog bed, some new toys and definitely some bully sticks that will ensure the aroma in your space is just perfect.   Your Perfect Treat: Bully Sticks. Find out why

The Scorpio Dog is strong-willed, mysterious and prefers to keep things private.  Under this dramatic sky, reflect on how you can be more open, perhaps letting your canine siblings play with your toys and sharing your treats. This openness will likely be rewarded by your humans and could possibly lead to extra long walks.  Your Perfect Treat: Chicken No-Hide Chews. Find out why

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) The Sagittarius dog loves affection and is loyal to a fault.  July will be a busy month for you Sag Dog… lots of car rides and walks. You might even meet a cute Doodle out on the trails - don’t be afraid to use those puppy dog eyes to get serious butt sniffs and attention. You’re also beginning to realize that you can be loyal to your humans while still forging relationships with other dogs.  Honor your evolution, Sag Dog

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) The Capricorn Pooch loves exercise, being useful, and learning new tricks. At the beginning of the month, you’ll experience a cosmic shift separating the past from the present. Maybe you start eating a new kind of food, or graduate from puppy school, or meet a new group of dogs at the dog park.  Whatever it is embrace the change and keep wagging your tail!  Your Perfect Treat: PB & Yummy Bar. Find out why

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) The Aquarius Dog is unpredictable, super smart and can’t stay in one place for too long.  This month you’re starting to get restless...and itchy. Being at home has been great but you’re ready for adventure.  To ease the tension, encourage your pawrents to create an  agility playground at home, to take you on a scenic car ride or to buy you a new brand of treats. What you crave is stimulation. Don’t be afraid to beg for it.  Your Perfect Treat: Jerky Strips - Skin & Coat. Find out why

Pisces Pups are sensitive and magically intuitive. For the past few months you’ve been absorbing the stress, worry and frustration of your humans. Coupled with the annoyances of the Mercury Retrograde (where did you hide that bone?) you’re ready to relax and have some fun. Glam up in something sexy, see how you look in that little black collar and have a good bark with the neighbors. The point is to enjoy life and express yourself.    Your Perfect Treat: Cup O Bones . Find out why

NOTE: These horoscopes provide SILLY astrological information and horoscopes for entertainment purposes only. Actual real life decisions should NOT be made based on these.