Our Locations

Come visit us. Bring your dog too!

Belmont Shore

Belmont Shore

4818 E. 2nd Street
Long Beach, CA 90803.

(562) 362-6326

Store Hours :  
10:00 am - 8:00 pm Daily 

Parking: There is a public paid lot on Park Ave. There's also metered parking along 2nd Street.

LA's Farmers Market

Farmers Market logo

6333 West 3rd Street #710
Los Angeles CA 90036

(323) 935-7512
Store Hours : 
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sat  9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sun 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Location: Next to the fruit stand. Parking validation provided with store visit.

Parking: Parking is provided in front of the store in the LA Farmers Market. Parking validation provided with store visit. Additional parking is available at The Grove.

Old Town Pasadena

Pasadena Cityscape

36 West Colorado Blvd #3
Old Pasadena CA 91105

(626) 440-0443
Store Hours :  
10:00 am - 8:00 pm Daily 

Location: Located in Mills alleyway right of Colorado Blvd. Mills alley is located between S De Lacey Ave and Fair Oaks Ave. 
Parking: Free 90 minute parking is available on S De Lacey Ave, Fair Oaks Ave and other locations around the store.

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