Five Reasons Why Donating Dog Food to a Shelter Makes a Difference May 16, 2017Rocky Kanaka Here are five reasons why we think feeding shelter dogs makes a huge difference. 1. To Helping a Rescue Stay in ‘Business’ Not so fun fact: Villalobos Rescue Center (most...
The Best Dog Food Blogs May 09, 2017Rocky Kanaka When it comes to finding online advice on what to feed your dog, you only want to take tips from the best dog food blog out there. As dog owners,...
Ten Toxic Foods You Shouldn't Give Your Pet May 08, 2017Rocky Kanaka by Amber Kingsley Toxic Pet Foods We all love our pets and want to make them happy. However, sometimes the best intentions can have unfortunate results. The good news...
Dog Treats 101: What Kind, When, and How Many April 25, 2017Rocky Kanaka Admit it, you've never met a dog that didn't like treats. And who can blame them? Even we humans enjoy a tasty treat from time to time – even if...
10 Activities to Occupy your Puppy While You're at Work April 18, 2017Rocky Kanaka Last week, we celebrated an especially fun “holiday,” National Puppy Day with a list of adoptable puppies from our donation partners. Whether you’ve recently adopted a new puppy or are...
Coconut Oil: Is It An Effective Treatment Against Giardia? April 10, 2017Rocky Kanaka None of us like it when our canine friends get sick. Yet, it's inevitable that at some point in your pet's life, they will catch something and get sick. And...
A Cure in Your Cabinet: Apple Cider Vinegar on Dogs April 06, 2017Rocky Kanaka It's been an ongoing joke in my house that I've become obsessed with apple cider vinegar. And it's true. Recently, I discovered that it helps with a number of ailments...
Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Small Dogs April 06, 2017Rocky Kanaka While your dog no doubt basks in the deliciousness of the food you provide, sometimes a little extra TLC is necessary. If you find yourself with some extra time on...
Top 20 healthy homemade dog food recipes your dog will love April 03, 2017Rocky Kanaka If you’re looking for recipes your dog will love that are super healthy and nutrient-rich you’ve come to the right place. As you know, there’s no shortage of dog food...
Why Savvy Pet Parents Are Mixing Raw Goat’s Milk in their Dog’s Kibble March 30, 2017Rocky Kanaka Organic. All-natural. Raw. What do these words bring to mind? If you’re like most people, you’re probably thinking of food. Health food in particular. You can’t go anywhere these days...
3 Spring Delights March 02, 2016Rocky Kanaka It's starting to feel a lot like spring here in Los Angeles and so does The Dog Bakery. We have 3 spring delights for your dog that we want to share...
The Dog Bakery | All-Natural Delicious Fresh Baked Cookies November 25, 2013Rocky Kanaka At The Dog Bakery we work hard every day to source local ingredients, bake in small batches, and always demand only the best for your pup. We are excited to...