As a pet parent, ensuring your dog is healthy and happy should top your list of priorities. This means nurturing not only their physical well-being but also mental health. Stick around and we’ll discuss some easy and unexpected ways you can actively contribute to your dog's overall wellness. Nutritious Meals: Tailoring Diet to Maximize your Pooch's Wellness Feeding your dog more than just leftovers from lunch is crucial for their health. Each breed, age, and size of a dog requires a different diet so identifying what’s best can be a challenge. What works for puppies might not suit old-timers. To...
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Are you noticing signs of unease or anxiety in your dog? It can truly be heart-wrenching to watch your beloved pet struggle with anxiety. However, it's important to remember that you're not alone in this scenario, and there are plenty of strategies for managing your dog's stress. 10 Ways to Help a Dog Who Suffers From Anxiety From understanding their triggers to considering professional training, the practical tips and techniques in this guide will help you ease your dog's anxiety and improve their wellbeing. 1. Understand Your Dog's Triggers Each dog is different and has unique triggers that can cause...
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Creating a beautiful and safe outdoor space for your furry friends is a priority for many pet parents. When designing a pet-friendly garden, choosing non-toxic plants that are safe for your pets to be around is essential. This article will explore some of the best non-toxic plants to include in your pet-friendly garden and tips for designing a secure and enjoyable outdoor space for your pets. Why Non-toxic Plants Matter Many common garden plants can be toxic to pets if ingested, causing symptoms ranging from mild irritation to severe poisoning. By choosing non-toxic plants for your garden, you can...
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Green tea is a powerhouse when it comes to human superfoods, but what about dogs? If you’d like to share this amazing drink with your doggo, here are some tips to prepare it safely: What is Green Tea? For those unfamiliar with the beverage, green tea is an herb derived from tea leaves picked earlier in the plant’s life cycle. Green tea leaves come from higher parts of the plant, while black tea leaves come from lower parts of the bush that have been allowed to oxidize. Once dried and oxidized, tea leaves are most often steeped in water and...
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Can Dogs Eat Pretzels as a Treat? Pretzels are the perfect middle ground between a chip and a cracker. Twists, sticks, bites, peanut butter-filled, chocolate-covered, and caramel-dipped, pretzels come in tons of unique shapes and flavors. Feeling like a savory treat before dinner? Grab a giant soft pretzel and go to town on a dish of nacho cheese sauce! Okay, okay, you get it, we love pretzels, but are these snacks an appropriate treat for your dog? Before you share your human treats with your pup, it’s important to learn more about their nutritional needs and the ingredients in your...
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