How Much Chocolate Can Kill A Dog? June 10, 2022Lorna Ladd It’s a well-known fact that chocolate is bad for dogs. Regardless of the type of chocolate that is used, this sweet treat can be a death sentence for your pooch!...
Can Dogs Eat Edamame? June 03, 2022Rocky Kanaka Vegetables might not be your favorite food, but lots of pups go crazy for greens! Occasionally feeding your dog vegetables is a fun, healthy treat, and you may find your...
Is White Chocolate Bad for Dogs? May 27, 2022Lorna Ladd It’s a well-known fact that chocolate isn’t good for dogs, but there are plenty of different kinds of chocolate. Are all of them bad? To find out if white chocolate...
Never Feed Your Dog These 5 Veggies. They're Toxic For Dogs. May 26, 2022Rocky Kanaka It’s natural to want to treat our pups to the same delicious foods that we enjoy, but we need to be careful about what we feed them! Dogs and humans...
Can Dogs Eat Carob? April 07, 2022Rocky Kanaka Can Dogs Eat Carob? Carob looks like chocolate but it's not, so it's a wonderful ingredient that we use when we bake for dogs. People always assume it's chocolate but...
Can Dogs Eat Hamburgers April 01, 2022Rocky Kanaka We're gonna break down a burger layer by layer so you'll know what a dog can and can not eat.
Can Dogs Eat Chocolate Ice Cream? What About Strawberry Ice Cream? March 28, 2022Rocky Kanaka You may have heard that dog's can't eat chocolate but can dogs eat chocolate ice cream?
How To Choose The Best Dog Jerky Treats March 18, 2022Rocky Kanaka How To Choose The Best Dog Jerky Treats When you’re shopping for the best dog jerky treats, you want to make sure that what you buy is safe, delicious, and engaging for...
Dog Birthday Cake: What, Where and How to Get the Perfect One January 10, 2022Rocky Kanaka Your pup is a year older, and you’re planning a birthday party. But that rich chocolate cake you’ve perfected for your kids’ birthday parties isn’t safe for your dog. In...
The 11 Healthiest Human Foods You Should Be Feeding Your Dog December 08, 2021Lorna Ladd We all give our pets a little human food. It's difficult to ignore those puppy dog eyes staring up at you at the table or while you're cooking. Some human...
6 Fruits You Should Never Give Your Dog! June 25, 2021Lorna Ladd If you're thinking of introducing your dog to fruits, you'll need to be aware of what you can & can’t give your dog. There are many things to be aware...
Vegetables Your Dog Will Love That Are Also Safe for Them! June 01, 2021Lorna Ladd Want to give your dog only healthy treats and food? It can be difficult to know what’s good and what’s bad when the ingredient labels for dog treats are filled...